Time is the only thing in the world that cannot be bought with anything! Lost time cannot be regained! Make wise use of the available time frame, which the GLABs time gate system can greatly assist with.

Koppány Ajtony BíróSecretary General of MLSZKSZ

Tamás PamucsiLogistics Director, Masped Logisztika Kft.

Planning and transparency. This software simplifies logistics work, saving you from unnecessary emails and phone calls. No data means no delivery. Previous deliveries can be easily retrieved and even exported.

Csaba NagyWarehouse Manager

The software quickly proved itself in practice after its introduction. Loading processes are predictable, allowing us to plan ahead reliably. In addition to the basic features, the development team is also capable of quickly implementing custom solutions.


The system provides solutions to our problems and fully met the expectations we had beforehand. Our business partner and subcontractors are also satisfied, as the software has fulfilled the expectations set for it.

Masped Logisztika Kft.Budapest

Having experienced how much time and effort the company saves on the administrative side of freight management and how GLABs has made loading processes much more transparent and manageable, I can definitely recommend the software. Along with the software comes a professional, youthful, and helpful project and support team, which makes GLABs a comprehensive solution.
